1 Jan ~ These are 2 of my 4 cats, namely Cookie and (Fat) Smudge......
Cookie is 8 yrs old and the matriach of our feline family, she 'tolerates' the younger 2 cats but she seems to have called a New Years Day Truce and she shares the footstool for an afternoon nap.

5 Jan ~ A few days into the new year we find ourselves laden with the white stuff. This was taken in the landscaped car park at my place of work. I love it when the snow or the frost manages to cover every tiny limb and leaf.

9 Jan ~ The coming of such cold weather brings about the need to keep cosy and so I don my bright and snuggly toe socks
10 Jan ~ I had lunch with my neighbour and work colleague and as we sat in the staff restaurant this was my view from the window. It doesn't seem so many weeks since I was sitting out there in my lunch break with the sun on my back.
11 Jan ~ One of my favourite flowers is tulips, sadly this particular bunch didnt fair too well but I still adored the rich warm colours of them.

15 Jan ~ The eldest of my cats, Treacle giving me a morning hug today, her fur is the softest and silkiest I have ever felt on a cat and she places her paws either side of your neck and head butts you for a kiss......the downside? ooh you end up smothered in pale ginger fluff and it can get up your nose!

15 Jan ~ The eldest of my cats, Treacle giving me a morning hug today, her fur is the softest and silkiest I have ever felt on a cat and she places her paws either side of your neck and head butts you for a kiss......the downside? ooh you end up smothered in pale ginger fluff and it can get up your nose!
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