Sunday, 19 September 2010

The Conversion.......

 My Daddy and I were chatting the other day about unexpected and unwelcome knocks at the door! My Dad is hard of hearing, my Mum very frail, they are of an era where a knock at the door requires an urgent response and yet are unable to get to their callers quickly...

My Dad is of the same mind as me, that we have a key to get in, that close friends and neighbours don't make unexpected visits and that if the call is really that important they will call again another generally the gen is that the door rarely gets answered!
 So when I visited the other day I was surprised when my Dad had told me he had actually heard the doorbell and found Jehovahs Witnesses on the doorstep. They had offered him a pamphlet which he had politely declined and told he was not 'interested'.
As the ladies left by the steep driveway one of them stopped to admire the beautiful display of Begonias in the front garden. Dad had been more than happy to tell the lady all his gardening tips and details of the plants origins.
Grinning broadly he said to me "As she was leaving I even gave her a brochure. I think she's seen the light!"

I love my Dad's dry sense of humour!